Posts tagged ‘interactive adverstising’

UGC e pubblicità

L’Interactive Advertising Bureau ha pubblicato una ricerca intitolata “User Generated Content, Social Media, and Advertising — An Overview” che esplora e tenta di dare ordine alle diverse opportunità offerte alle aziende che vogliono pubblicizzarsi attraverso la rete.
Lo studio individua una serie di strumenti con cui gli inserzionisti devono necessariamente misurarsi, dagli overlay video ads alle community di cosumatori, passando per widgets e pagine del brand sui principali social network. Interessante il confronto con le forme tradizionali di pubblicità: “Traditionally, marketers have been able to buy time or space on fixed media in a controlled context. They knew where their ad would appear, what it would look like, and perhaps most important, in what context it would be seen. In other words, they could be guaranteed their message wasn’t being delivered in a hostile or inappropriate environment. Today, such guarantees are harder to make, and that lack of control can be a source of great anxiety for marketers. But it also represents an unrivaled opportunity”.

aprile 28, 2008 at 10:07 am 1 commento



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